Is there a job out there that pays more than 2500.00 with benefits in Wichita Falls,Texas?
I work for the state and make a little over 2500.00 plus benefits and would love to find another job that offers the same just out of corrections. Is there one within Wichita Falls, Texas that offers that?
Other - US Local Businesses - 2 Answers
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go tothis link
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Is that a week, month, or year?
I work for the state and make a little over 2500.00 plus benefits and would love to find another job that offers the same just out of corrections. Is there one within Wichita Falls, Texas that offers that?
Other - US Local Businesses - 2 Answers
Random Answers, Critics, Comments, Opinions :
1 :
go tothis link
2 :
Is that a week, month, or year?
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